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Develop a hook

In this guide, we'll develop a hook for concentrated liquidity pool. The same step will apply for liquidity book. We'll start with introducing hook template before the step by step guide section.

Hooks template

Proceed to for the hook template. Click Use this template to create a new repository based on the template.

The template requires Foundry. If you don't have Foundry installed, please follow the installation guide.

Once the new repository is cloned to local setup, run the following commands:

> forge install // install dependencies
> forge test // run the existing tests in the repository

Within both src and test there are 2 folders: pool-cl and pool-bin. If you are developing for concentrated liquidity pool, focus on pool-cl folder, otherwise pool-bin folder for the liquidity book pool type.


BaseHook is a base contract where you will inherit for your hooks. It provides

  1. helper method: _hooksRegistrationBitmapFrom to set up the callback required
  2. callback method: for you to overwrite
// Snippet from CLCounterHook.sol
import {CLBaseHook} from "./CLBaseHook.sol";
contract CLCounterHook is CLBaseHook {
  constructor(ICLPoolManager _poolManager) CLBaseHook(_poolManager) {}
  // 1. Set up callback required. in this case, 4 callback are required
  function getHooksRegistrationBitmap() external pure override returns (uint16) {
    return _hooksRegistrationBitmapFrom(
            beforeInitialize: false,
            afterInitialize: false,
            beforeAddLiquidity: true,
            afterAddLiquidity: true,
            beforeRemoveLiquidity: false,
            afterRemoveLiquidity: false,
            beforeSwap: true,
            afterSwap: true,
            beforeDonate: false,
            afterDonate: false,
            noOp: false
  // 2. For each callback required, overwrite the method
  function beforeAddLiquidity(address,PoolKey calldata key, ICLPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams calldata, bytes calldata)
    external override poolManagerOnly returns (bytes4) {
      // implement hook logic and then return selector
      return this.beforeAddLiquidity.selector;

Step by step guide

We will develop a hook that allows veCake holder to get a 50% swap fee discount when swapping through pool with this hook.

Step 1: Download hook template

  1. Create a new repository from pancake-v4-hooks-template: Click here
  2. Clone the repository locally and run forge install and forge test to verify setup.

Step 2: Implementation idea

The flow will be as follows:

  1. Before swap, CLPoolManager will call hook.beforeSwap().
  2. At beforeSwap(), hook call CLPoolManager.updateDynamicSwapFee() to update the swap fee. This is where our hook will update swap fee to 50% discount or default fee.

High level

Step 3: Implement the hook

We'll perform the following:

  1. add beforeSwap permission
  2. call poolManager.updateDynamicSwapFee(key, swapFee) in beforeSwap()

Let's go through the implementation step by step

3.1 Add beforeSwap permission

Create a file called at src/pool-cl/VeCakeDiscountHook.sol and implement the following. The hook contract extends CLBaseHook and ICLDynamicFeeManager.

contract VeCakeDiscountHook is CLBaseHook { 
    function getHooksRegistrationBitmap() external pure override returns (uint16) {
        return _hooksRegistrationBitmapFrom(
                beforeInitialize: false,
                afterInitialize: false,
                beforeAddLiquidity: false,
                afterAddLiquidity: false,
                beforeRemoveLiquidity: false,
                afterRemoveLiquidity: false,
                beforeSwap: true, 
                afterSwap: false,
                beforeDonate: false,
                afterDonate: false,
                noOp: false

3.2 Call poolManager.updateDynamicSwapFee(key, swapFee) in beforeSwap()

We specified beforeSwap permission in the previous step. Thus CLPoolManager will call hook.beforeSwap method before the swap. Now, we'll implement the beforeSwap method to call poolManager.updateDynamicSwapFee(key, swapFee).

function beforeSwap(address, PoolKey calldata key, ICLPoolManager.SwapParams calldata, bytes calldata)
    returns (bytes4)
    uint24 swapFee = getDefaultSwapFee(key);
    // Give 50% discount if the user is a veCake holder.
    if (veCake.balanceOf(tx.origin) >= 1 ether) {
        swapFee = swapFee / 2;
    poolManager.updateDynamicSwapFee(key, swapFee);
    return this.beforeSwap.selector;
/// @return the default swap fee for the pool
function getDefaultSwapFee(PoolKey calldata key) internal view returns (uint24) {
    return key.fee & SwapFeeLibrary.STATIC_FEE_MASK;
View VeCakeDiscountHook complete source code
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
import {PoolKey} from "@pancakeswap/v4-core/src/types/PoolKey.sol";
import {PoolId, PoolIdLibrary} from "@pancakeswap/v4-core/src/types/PoolId.sol";
import {SwapFeeLibrary} from "@pancakeswap/v4-core/src/libraries/SwapFeeLibrary.sol";
import {ICLPoolManager} from "@pancakeswap/v4-core/src/pool-cl/interfaces/ICLPoolManager.sol";
import {CLBaseHook} from "./CLBaseHook.sol";
interface IVeCake {
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256 balance);
/// @notice VeCakeDiscountHook is a dynamic swap fee hook that provide swap fee discount for veCake holders
///         To keep this simple, so long swapper has >= 1 veCake, they will get 50% discount on swap fee
contract VeCakeDiscountHook is CLBaseHook {
    using PoolIdLibrary for PoolKey;
    IVeCake veCake;
    constructor(ICLPoolManager _poolManager, address _veCake) CLBaseHook(_poolManager) {
        veCake = IVeCake(_veCake);
    function getHooksRegistrationBitmap() external pure override returns (uint16) {
        return _hooksRegistrationBitmapFrom(
                beforeInitialize: false,
                afterInitialize: false,
                beforeAddLiquidity: false,
                afterAddLiquidity: false,
                beforeRemoveLiquidity: false,
                afterRemoveLiquidity: false,
                beforeSwap: true,
                afterSwap: false,
                beforeDonate: false,
                afterDonate: false,
                noOp: false
    function beforeSwap(address, PoolKey calldata key, ICLPoolManager.SwapParams calldata, bytes calldata)
        returns (bytes4)
        uint24 swapFee = getDefaultSwapFee(key);
        if (veCake.balanceOf(tx.origin) >= 1 ether) {
            swapFee = swapFee / 2;
        poolManager.updateDynamicSwapFee(key, swapFee);
        return this.beforeSwap.selector;
    /// @return the default swap fee for the pool
    function getDefaultSwapFee(PoolKey calldata key) internal view returns (uint24) {
        return key.fee & SwapFeeLibrary.STATIC_FEE_MASK;

Step 4: Add Hook test

In the test, we'll test 2 scenarios:

  1. when swapping as a normal user
  2. when swapping as a veCkae holder

Create a file called at test/pool-cl/VeCakeDiscountHook.t.sol and implement the following:

View complete source code here
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
import {MockERC20} from "solmate/test/utils/mocks/MockERC20.sol";
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {Constants} from "@pancakeswap/v4-core/test/pool-cl/helpers/Constants.sol";
import {Currency} from "@pancakeswap/v4-core/src/types/Currency.sol";
import {PoolKey} from "@pancakeswap/v4-core/src/types/PoolKey.sol";
import {CLPoolParametersHelper} from "@pancakeswap/v4-core/src/pool-cl/libraries/CLPoolParametersHelper.sol";
import {SwapFeeLibrary} from "@pancakeswap/v4-core/src/libraries/SwapFeeLibrary.sol";
import {VeCakeDiscountHook} from "../../src/pool-cl/VeCakeDiscountHook.sol";
import {CLTestUtils} from "./utils/CLTestUtils.sol";
import {CLPoolParametersHelper} from "@pancakeswap/v4-core/src/pool-cl/libraries/CLPoolParametersHelper.sol";
import {PoolIdLibrary} from "@pancakeswap/v4-core/src/types/PoolId.sol";
import {ICLSwapRouterBase} from "pancake-v4-periphery/src/pool-cl/interfaces/ICLSwapRouterBase.sol";
contract VeCakeDiscountHookTest is Test, CLTestUtils {
    using PoolIdLibrary for PoolKey;
    using CLPoolParametersHelper for bytes32;
    VeCakeDiscountHook hook;
    Currency currency0;
    Currency currency1;
    PoolKey key;
    MockERC20 veCake = new MockERC20("veCake", "veCake", 18);
    address alice = makeAddr("alice");
    function setUp() public {
        (currency0, currency1) = deployContractsWithTokens();
        hook = new VeCakeDiscountHook(poolManager, address(veCake));
        // create the pool key
        key = PoolKey({
            currency0: currency0,
            currency1: currency1,
            hooks: hook,
            poolManager: poolManager,
            // 0.3% fee for swapFee, however hook can overwrite the swapFee
            fee: SwapFeeLibrary.DYNAMIC_FEE_FLAG + uint24(3000),
            // tickSpacing: 10
            parameters: bytes32(uint256(hook.getHooksRegistrationBitmap())).setTickSpacing(10)
        // initialize pool at 1:1 price point
        poolManager.initialize(key, Constants.SQRT_RATIO_1_1, new bytes(0));
        // add deep liquidity so that swap fee discount can be observed
        MockERC20(Currency.unwrap(currency0)).mint(address(this), 100 ether);
        MockERC20(Currency.unwrap(currency1)).mint(address(this), 100 ether);
        addLiquidity(key, 100 ether, 100 ether, -60, 60);
        // approve from alice for swap in the test cases below
        MockERC20(Currency.unwrap(currency0)).approve(address(swapRouter), type(uint256).max);
        MockERC20(Currency.unwrap(currency1)).approve(address(swapRouter), type(uint256).max);
    function testNonVeCakeHolder() public {
        uint256 amtOut = _swap();
        // amt out be at least 0.3% lesser due to swap fee
        assertLe(amtOut, 0.997 ether);
    function testVeCakeHolder() public {
        // mint alice veCake, 1 ether);
        uint256 amtOut = _swap();
        // amt out be at least 0.15% lesser due to swap fee
        assertLe(amtOut, 0.9985 ether);
        assertGe(amtOut, 0.997 ether); // 0.15% swap fee, should be at least 0.997
    function _swap() internal returns (uint256 amtOut) {
        MockERC20(Currency.unwrap(currency0)).mint(address(alice), 1 ether);
        // set alice as tx.origin and mint alice token
        vm.prank(address(alice), address(alice));
        amtOut = swapRouter.exactInputSingle(
                poolKey: key,
                zeroForOne: true,
                recipient: address(alice),
                amountIn: 1 ether,
                amountOutMinimum: 0,
                sqrtPriceLimitX96: 0,
                hookData: new bytes(0)

Step 5: Verify

Run forge test to verify test passing.